
Hmm ok, so I decided to create a blog.
Now what?

Ok, maybe I should start with a few of the reasons for doing it. hmm I was never a fan of putting myself out there on Facebook, Twitter and the like, and I don’t even have an Instagram account, but I sometimes find myself thinking… “Hey, such and such sucks the way it is”, or “If only people would do [insert amazing thing here], then the world would be a better place!”

So… here I am, adding my thoughts and opinions to an already overcrowded space,  not even remotely confident anyone but me will even find it, but hey, it’s supposed to be cathartic just writing it down, right? So, if no-one reads it, no harm no foul! Sometimes it’ll be a rant, other times maybe hints and tips, or just a bit of a review of some cool tech or otherwise, I have tripped over.  I am also a bit of a foodie, so you never know, I may even publish some of my favourite recipes or eating spots. I am hoping to get something down on the blogs regularly, and apparently saying stuff like that out loud makes it harder to wriggle out of doing it, but as I am good at procrastinating, it’s probably gonna come in fits and spurts, and not as regularly as I would probably like. But, at least I have good intentions, right?

Hmmm… Lately, I have been getting involved in the Block Chain space (does block chain deserve capital letters? not sure). I know cryptocurrency is the flavour of the month, but that’s certainly not what is blowing my skirt up! I love the whole concept of block chain; the fact it is something that can be trusted in a totally untrustable environment, immutability in a medium that is completely fluid and ephemeral. This is what does it for me; how something so permanent and safe and secure can not only thrive in an unsafe and untrusted environment but it, in fact, needs just those things to even be possible!    The sheer simplicity of the concept, juxtaposed with the complication of the encryption that drives it makes it truly beautiful. It is a total shame though that it only came into being to play host to a thing like a cryptocurrency, while not a bad thing in itself, seems to have attracted the best and the worst of our society, visionaries, investors, scammers and hackers alike. I guess it’s not dissimilar to the early days of the internet where porn was the driving force behind the technology we now take as a given!

Not sure if I should do this, but here are a few obligatory hashtags!
#NewBlog #RickJewson #BlockChain #Cryptocurrency #Recipes #Foodie #WatchThisSpace